Your e-Business Quality Partner eValid™ -- Automated Web Quality Solution
Browser-Based, Client-Side, Functional Testing & Validation,
Load & Performance Tuning, Page Timing, Website Analysis,
and Rich Internet Application Monitoring.

eValid -- V9 Feature Key Definitions
eValid Home

eValid features are activated by feature keys in a license file, evalid.lic, that was emailed to you, or is accessed via a special web page. You can use the Manage License Pulldown to manipulate the license file contents on a particular installation.

Feature Key Description...
(No Key) AUTOPLAY-enabled scripts run from foreground.
Also runs AUTOPLAY-enabled scripts from BATCH command line with: eValid -B script.evs.
Runs as an IE-equivalent browser with no key supplied.
Manual or automatic (robot) generation evaluation keys.
STAN Basic navigational record/play features with basic validations.
PROF Most record/play features (except those dependent on DOM interaction) and full non-DOM validation capability.
PROF includes STAN.
PAGEMAP All PageMap and DOM validation modes plus DOM based validation and synchronization commands, including Index Motion commands and DOM validation commands. The PAGEMAP features extends PROF or PLAY to include all DOM dependent commands.
EPI† eValid Programmatic Interface (allows direct programmatic execution of most eValid commands plus provides additional DOM access).
SQL† eValid SQL Interface provides for direct interface from eValid to attached SQL databases.
PLAY Playback only (including functional test *.evs's and LoadTest *evl's).
PLAY includes all the functionality of PROF.
GEN Enables both eV.Generate engine and Data Synthesis Mode.
MULT Unlimited Multiple Playbacks.
BATCH Batch interface commands enabled.
MANAGE eV.Manager Enabled.
LINKCHK Site Analysis linkcheck feature, structural reports, unavailable links, does NOT include 3D-SiteMap.
SITEMAP Full site analysis features, structural reports, all filter outputs, and 3D-SiteMap.
INTL† International Unicode (DBCS) Version.
LOAD LoadTest Operations with unlimited number of eValid sub-browser full-fidelity playbacks.
THIN Thin playback client for LoadTest Enabled.
LITE Lite playback client for LoadTest Enabled.
Special Negotiated Licenses
EPRISEnnAuthorizes nn simultaneous eValid users on a Terminal Services supported machine.
COM† Commercial License: Web authorized activation/authentication and activity reporting. Some of the available Variations include:
  • COM + PROF + GEN + BATCH + MULT for Monitoring master station.
  • COM + PLAY + GEN + BATCH + MULT for Monitoring agent station.
  • COM + Functional Test Bundle features
  • COM + Server Loading Bundle features
  • COM + Site Analysis Bundle features
  • AUTOPLAY† AUTOPLAY treated test scripts play without any other license authorization. AUTOPLAY script conversions are generated by eValid on a script by script basis.
    † The commands and facilities associated with this feature key are NOT activated in whole or in part by any of the EVAL/DEMO licenses.