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eValid -- Self Monitoring Script Structure
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This example monitoring setup illustrates how to use an eValid script in scheduled playback and with result reporting entirely by email.

Outline of Solution
This example setup works as follows:

Here is the eValid playback script that illustrates how this is done. As is the case in most scripts like this, the recording is made "from life" and then hand-modified for the needed control effects.

# Recording made on: Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 1
# Copyright (c) 2019 by Software Research, Inc. 
# This script is demonstrates eValid operations in an email-only 
# monitoring application.

ProjectID "Project"
GroupID "Test"
TestID "Sample"


EnvironmentVariableFile "timeset.txt"
## Delay Multiplier settings to zero so that all Wait commands are ignored...
PlayValue _PM 0
OnAlarmGoScript "AlarmEmail.evs"
OnErrorGoScript "ErrorEmail.evs"

ElapsedTime "00_Begin_Play"
SaveRecord IntraScriptTime.txt "\nStep 00: Beginning Playback.  Step Time: %e   Total Time: %E" OVERWRITE

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get started...
InitLink ""
Wait 6802
InputValue 0 125 "SELECT-ONE" "" "select2" "Brandon" "3" ""
SubFrameSet 1 "Brandon Real Estate Board"
Wait 20654
ElapsedTime "01_Home_Page" 
SaveRecord IntraScriptTime.txt "Step 01: Startup Completed.     Step Time: %e   Total Time: %E"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open up the Brandon Real Estate Board area...
FollowLink 1 38 "Property Search" "" \
	"option=com_listingresult&view=search&Itemid=28" ""
Wait 6155

ElapsedTime "02_Brandon_Area"
SaveRecord IntraScriptTime.txt "Step 02: Selected Area.         Step Time: %e   Total Time: %E"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Click on the Property Search tab and Input Details...
InputValue 1 74 "SELECT-ONE" "" "priceMin" "$100,000" "2" ""
Wait 2558
InputValue 1 90 "SELECT-ONE" "" "priceMax" "$200,000" "4" ""
Wait 7051
InputValue 1 298 "CHECKBOX" "" "areaC19" "1" "TRUE" ""
Wait 5710
ElapsedTime "03_Input_Details"
SaveRecord IntraScriptTime.txt "Step 03: Input Buy Values.      Step Time: %e   Total Time: %E"

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Click on Submit for results, if any...
SubmitClick 1 423 "" "Search" "Search" "" NAV
ElapsedTime "04_Search_Results"
SaveRecord IntraScriptTime.txt "Step 04: Search Completed.      Step Time: %e   Total Time: %E"

SaveWindow 1 "snapshot"
OvertimeAlarm $OverTime "Exceeded $TO Threshold" "" "" 2
Wait 8386
WindowClose 1

SendFile "" "Normal Run -- Playback Ended OK..." "IntraScriptTime.txt"
# End of script. 

Sample OK Email
Here is a sample OK email response from the eValid playback.

OK Email Message (Click for Full-Size Image)

Sample FAIL Email Messages
Here is a sample FAIL email response due to an Overtime Alarm from the playback. In this case, the script concluded normally, but the total playback time was above the specified threshold.

Overtime Alarm Email Message (Click for Full-Size Image)

Here is a sample FAIL email response due to an Error Alarm encountered during from the playback. In this case, the script encountered some kind of problem, typically due to the unavailability of some page along the way

Error Alarm Email Message (Click for Full-Size Image)